Vlastivědné muzeum v Šumperku
Culture and History / Zábřeh Museum - Exposition of J. Eskymo Welzl |
Description | Located in the historic Pod Podloubím house, the museum will delight not only lovers of art and regional history, but also adventurers. There is a modern exhibit dedicated to the polar explorer and writer J. E. Welzl. Another new feature of the museum is the Graphic Cabinet of Václav Hollar, the world-famous engraver and draughtsman. The permanent exhibition shows also an exhibition on the polar traveller and writer Jan Eskymo Welzl. Visitors can learn more about his unusual life story and about the Arctic lands and their inhabitants. |
Opening hours | Tu–Su |
Contact | Muzeum Zábřeh, Žižkova 1, 789 01 Zábřeh +420 583 413 646 |