Výstaviště Flora Olomouc
Sport and nature / Collection Greenhouses, Olomouc |
Description | Each season of the year in the palm, cactus, tropical, and sub-tropical conservatories brings blossoms and fruits to dozens of the most exotic flora species. The conservatories are open to the public nearly the whole year, with the exception of the winter months. The extraordinary fl ora is complemented with exotic fauna – fish, spiders, amphibians and caiman. |
Opening hours | II .; XI.-1/2 XII. 9 am to 4 pm Only on weekends Free entrance is not possible during the main Flora horticultural fairs in the spring, summer and autumn. |
Contact | Výstaviště Flora – Smetanovy sady, Wolkerova 37/17, 779 00 Olomouc +420 585 726 243, +420 585 726 265 |